Client: Lean and Loaf Films

Custom Coding

with Zapier API

PROJECT OVERVIEW: Set up of Zapier automations utilizing custom code and API to streamline internal processes between Lean and Loaf staff and film producers. This pattern was duplicated and used to help producers select social media promo videos for a variety of films and television shows.

The image displays the set up I created to take a video from upload into Dropbox, to embedding in Typeform with unique selection options, and send it to the L&L Staff and the producer(s) of the show/film. Below you can see more detail about some of the steps in the process.

Creating the accurate number of multiple choice items in Typeform based on video content.

In step 3, I created the pattern below using a regex to take a number from the video filename inputted by L&L staff. The number after the letters MC (multiple choice) were sorted into the text formatter to be used in step 4.

In step 4, I used a for loop to turn each option from a number into a letter and store them in an array. ‘Select All’ was also added to the array as the L&L team wanted it included in all Typeforms regardless of MC count.

Updating the Typeform.

We created a standard template for the TypeForm. I used step 5 to duplicate the template and change the title to the new file name. In step 6, the Typeform was selected based on id, and the question options were updated using the options created in step 4.

In step 5 you can see the file name ends with MC3, and step 6 displays how the choices were updated to the three options A, B, C, and the Select All which the L&L team wanted included with all forms.

Embedding the Video into the Typeform.

Step 7 utilizes the HTTP Method GET to get the API code behind the Typeform. After finding the code used to display videos in the response body, I coded an update that would take the existing form and replace the videoURL with one from the most recent upload in step 8. Then I used the HTTP method PUT to update the form with the correct video in step 9.

Overall this was a fun project and it was great to help this company streamline their process. At the time Zapier’s API Request was in it’s Beta stage, and it was interesting to see how it could be utilized.